
Friday, May 14, 2021

CAS Series: You're the Best Flower Mini Notecards---Join our Monthly Anything Goes Challenge at 613 Avenue Create!

Hello everyone...It's almost the middle of the month and I finally found the time to post the project that I featured for our Challenge at 613 Avenue Create which started the first Sunday of this month.  You still have plenty of time to join the fun by visiting our site.

Day after day, there's always something to do and I couldn't keep up.  It felt like time is whisking away and more than ever, many of the prophetic promises from the Word of God is coming to pass daily.  Some will not care as they are not aware of God's plan, have rejected God or are totally deceived.  Some are paralyzed by fear and hopelessness that they do whatever their so called experts tell them to do though it defies logic and wisdom.  Some are demonic possessed that they carry out the Satanic destruction by promoting lies to deceive many as leaders and media influencers.  And there are those who war with both the spiritual and natural realm to continue the work and the plan of God for the freedom to preach the Gospel for the salvation of many souls.  

2 Corinthians 4:18 says, "We fix our eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen." I would like to share  a devotional from Our Daily Bread dated June 22, 2020 (written by Estera Pirosca Escobar) exhorting this verse.  It says,  "Eternal eyes, that's what my friend Madeline prays her children and grandchildren would have.  Her family has gone through tumultuous season that ended with the death of her daughter.  As the family grieves from this horrific loss, Madeline longs for them to be less and less nearsighted---consumed by the pain of this world.  And to be more and more farsighted---filled with hope in our loving God.  The Apostle Paul and his-co-workers experienced great suffering at the hands of persecutors and even from believers who tried to discredit them.  Yet, they had their eyes fixed on eternity.  Paul boldly acknowledged that "we (Born-again, John 3:3) fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."  Although they were doing God's work, they lived with the reality of being hard pressed on every side," "perplexed," "persecuted," and "struck down" (2 Corinthians  4:8-9).  Shouldn't God have delivered them from these troubles?  But instead of being disappointed, Paul built his hope on the "eternal glory" that supersedes momentary troubles (2 Corinthians 4:17).  He knew God's power was at work in him and had complete assurance that "the One Who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus (2 Corinthians 4:14).  When our world around us feels shaky, may we turn our eyes to God---the eternal Rock that will never be destroyed." This message resonated with me as I contemplate on everything that is happening in our country,  around the world, the Body of Christ and Israel.  

If we want to get a glimpse on where we are in the prophetic timeline of God, we need to take a close look on what is happening to these three indicators---1) The Body of Christ (the Church)  2) God's chosen people (Israel) and 3) The World (Nations).  Though we were blessed with great freedom here in America, our very way of life protected by our Constitution are being trampled on and perverted by the ungodly whose sole purpose is to establish the reign of the Antichrist (One World Government, One Religion, One Currency).  The illegitimate government that runs our country for the past few months are looking for ways to abandon our greatest ally Israel---by lifting sanctions placed by President Trump against those who wish to harm Israel.  Instead, this fake administration funds the enemies of Israel under the disguise of humanitarian aid and when these countries get our money, they use it to procure weapons and missiles to attack Israel and Christians.  All over the world, demonic leaders are  disguising as Covid experts doing their best to mandate vaccines, enticing the public to get their shots using lotteries and bonuses for those who would comply with a vaccination that is still in its trial phase using humans as guinea pigs.  With no guarantees and knowledge on the long term effect/s it will do to the population, the fearful bow down while trying to find ways to criminalize those who wouldn't comply by threatening us with the implementation of vaccine passports to take away our rights.  If you think this is not a precursor to the mark of the Beast in Revelation 13:15-18, think again.  It's all about using fear to condition people's minds.  And I tell you bluntly right now---(unless it's fear of the Lord) FEAR IS NOT OF GOD!

Normally, I should be in a panic mode these days---both naturally and spiritually.  But several months ago, I poured my heart to God and laid every concern I have for our country, this world and the "so-called Christians" that are persecuting the true Body of Christ.  God allowed me to rest upon Him that day and He calmed my spirit.  From then on, He gave me "supernatural peace" that always reminds me that no matter what happens,  I AM IN HIM!  He impressed upon my heart that while I am still here, He will continue to use me as His Salt and Light (Matthew 5:13-16)  for the salvation of  many.  Worries and fear no longer rule my life.  Brief existence in this temporary world is nothing compared to a life without end in the arms of my great Savior and Lord, JESUS CHRIST!  Entrusting my life to God in this life and the next is the secret to a fearless, peaceful and totally free life no matter what the circumstances are.  

For this Card, I used an image from Glitz Design Stamp for the background and the flowers from Recollections that I colored using my Prismacolor markers.  The sentiment is from Technique Tuesday and the sentiment on the envelope is from Printoworks.  The base is a packed notecards with envelopes that I bought at Michaels years ago.  I made a total of six cards with two of each kind for a set.  These are totally cute.  





 This Project is entered into the following Challenges:

Crafty Gals Corner---For the Ladies
Ellibelle's---ATG/Blooming Beautiful
Card Concept---Garden Pleasures (I was inspired by the beautiful flowers)
Paper Funday---ATG/Flowers/Florals
Crafty Catz---ATG/Just Chill
Let's Craft and Create---ATG/No Patterned Paper
Mix It Up---ATG
PINspirational---Photo Inspiration
Crafting Challenge---Flowers and/or Butterflies

This is it for now, guys.  Make sure to join us at our neighborhood---613 Avenue Create---for an Anything Goes Challenge with optional theme, "Mood Board."  If you want to be challenged more, take on our Optional Twist.  But there's really no reason for you to miss it. Can't wait to see what you create. In every situation, put your trust in God alone.  In Him you'll find love, peace and joy no matter what.

Ready to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Find out how on the sidebar...

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Card Set: Beauty in Everyday Note Cards---Join our Inspirational/Anything Goes Challenge at Word Art Wednesday!

 Hi there, everyone!  Back again for another Scripture Word Art for our bi-weekly Challenge at Word Art Wednesday (WAW). My sample project below does not include our Word Art but you can check our WAW site to download it and see how it was used in the beautiful projects made by the other DT's.  As usual, you are invited to link with us your inspirational  (Anything Goes) cards/projects.  Our featured Word Art this Challenge comes from Psalm 33:18 which says, "Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy."

Last night, I watched a true to life movie regarding a couple who tried to save the life of over 300 Jews in Warsaw, Poland when their country was overtaken by Hitler and the Nazi Germans during World War 2.  I got so emotional trying to make sense of the evil that possessed an army of human beings to commit such a demonic endeavor---killing helpless human beings because they were Jews?  Very sad, but to this day, this threat is still very real not only to the Jews but for believers of Jesus Christ.  It's brutal, barbaric and demonic.  Though many non-Jews were against such injustice, only a few we're willing to put themselves in harm's way to save others.   When God made man, He created us in His image and likeness and gave us dominion over His other creation (Genesis 1:26-28).  He breathed  unto us the breath of life which made us alive (Genesis 2:7).  We were clothed in God's glory---holy, pure and without blemish like our Creator.  But all of that changed when we allowed ourselves to be tempted by the enemy.  Lucifer (in the form of snake) perverted and twisted God's Word in Genesis 2:17 and man started doubting God's Word and began to take on the mindset of Satan which is "to be like God" (Isaiah 14:13-14). From then on, all human beings became slaves to Satan and inherited Sin (Satan's nature) which brings Death (Spiritual, Physical and Eternal Deaths).

In spite of our hopeless situation, Psalm 19:1-4 tells us how God reveals Himself to us through His creation (Natural Revelation).  He has also given us "conscience" simply defined as inner feeling or voice acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior.  No matter what the world says, the absolute standard of right and wrong can only come from the Creator of all things which He revealed to us in His written Word. When we buy a new product in the market, we look for the manufacturer's manual in order to effectively operate the product to it's full capacity. All truth comes from God and His truth never changes no matter how man tries to change it.   Romans 2:12-17 says, "For all who have sinned without the law will also perish without the law, and all who have sinned under the law will be judged by the law.  For it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law who will be justified. For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them on that day when, according to my gospel, God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus." My Life Application Bible explains, "If you traveled around the world, you would find evidence in every society and culture of God's moral law.  For example, all cultures prohibit murder, and yet in all societies the law has been broken.  We belong to a stubborn race.  We know what's right, but we insist on doing what's wrong. It is not enough to know what's right; we must also do it.  Admit to yourself and to God that you fit the human pattern and frequently fail to live up to your own standards (much more to God's standards).  That's the first step to forgiveness and healing."

For all of us who came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ (Born-again, John 3:3) by placing our faith in His redemptive work at the Cross, we are not just seeing God through His creation but we now have a special revelation of who God truly is.  In Adam, our spiritual connection with God was severed but in Christ, it was reestablished.  Christ brought us back in  right standing with God (justification by faith) and are purifying us each day to become more like Jesus (sanctification by faith).  But those who have rejected the redemptive work of Jesus Christ have manifested their allegiance to Satan by killing, stealing and destruction (John 10:10).  These people didn't learn from the horrors of war and merciless killings committed by evil men that they deceptively follow the demonic promptings of the god of this world.  They do whichever is right in their own eyes and promote hatred, rebellion, ungodliness and immorality of all shapes and forms.  It's sad to see the collapse of common sense and their depraved mind are full of evil continually.  I truly pray for the fear of God to come upon these lost souls.  I believe that the Body of Christ is still in this world because God is still using us to share the hope of the Gospel to anyone who would listen.  These are perilous times but we are not to fear anything in this life.  Our hope comes from such a stable and unchangeable Source---God Almighty!  He's the Only One I fear (holy fear) and revere!   My Life Application Bible adds, "The plans of the Lord stand firm forever. "Are you frustrated by all the inconsistencies you see in others, or even in yourself. God is completely trustworthy---His intentions never change.  The Bible promises that good and perfect gifts come to us from the Creator who never changes (James 1:17).  When you wonder if there is anyone in whom you can trust, remember that God is completely consistent.  Let Him counsel you and trust in His plans for your life.  Horse refers to military strength.  Because God rules and overrules every nation, leaders  should never put their trust in  their physical power.  Military might is not the ground of our hope.  Our hope is in God and in His gracious offer to save us if we will trust in Him.  This is not an ironclad guarantee that all believers will be delivered from death and starvation.  Thousands of Christian saints have been beaten to death, whipped, fed to lions or executed (Romans 8:35-36, Hebrews 11:32-40).  God can (and often miraculously does) deliver His followers from pain and death, though sometimes, for purposes known only to Him, He chooses not to.  When faced with these harsh realities, we must focus on the wise judgments of God. In times of crisis, we can place our hope in God."

For this project, I used images from Stamp Simply Clear Stamps called "Seasonal Wreaths-Spring/Summer" that I colored using The Creative Expert markers.  The base is white CS, cut and scored to make a 4 inches square.  I also used a sentiment from another Stamp Simply set called "Farmhouse All Occasion Greetings" for the sentiment in my handmade envelopes.   I love how it simple yet elegant. 








This Card Set is entered into the following Challenges:

Do-(A1)---Pastel Colours + Spring Flowers
Dream Factory---Broken Circle
Mix It Up---ATG with Layering
Rabisco---ATG/Pink and Brown
Sweet Stampers---Lots of Layers
Crafting Challenge---Flowers and/or Butterflies

Make sure you join us at WAW Challenge.  You can use the free Word Art in your creation and link it to our Challenge but is not a requirement.  As long as it's family-friendly, uplifting and inspirational, you can enter up to 5 times each week.  Our Challenge winner will be awarded a wonderful prize from our awesome sponsor---Stamp Simply Clear Stamps.  So excited to see what you come up with.  Anyway, cheer up as we meditate on the promises of God today.  His Word drives away every fear!

Ready to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Find out how on the sidebar...