
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Scripture Series: Safety is of the Lord Center Step Card---It's another Inspirational/Anything Goes Challenge at Word Art Wednesday!

It's the middle of  the week and here to post some inspiration for our Challenge at Word Art Wednesday (WAW)Our free Scripture Word Art comes from Proverbs 21:31 and it states, "The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the LORD."  This talks about making the necessary preparations in facing  our battles (trials, testing) or perhaps, putting up the extra work to ensure a bright future.  We can do everything humanly possible to achieve our goals but we must realize that God still has the final say.  James 1:17 tells us, "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."  Every victory and blessings we received in this lifetime is from the Lord.  We should be grateful  that He lives inside of us and gets us through each day.   We often make the mistake in assuming that our success comes from our own efforts and that we are deserving of everything because we are "that good."  What many of us fail to recognize is that the Lord is our Source for everything!  He is our Life, our Strength and our Sole Provider.  Apart from Him, we can do nothing (John 15:5) I love what my Application Bible shared about this verse and it says, "All our preparations for any task is useless without God.  But even with God's help we still must do our part and prepare.  His control of the outcome does not negate our responsibilities.  God may want you to produce a great book, but you must learn to write.  God may want to use you in foreign missions, but you must learn the language.  God will accomplish His purposes, and He will be able to use you if you have done your part by being well prepared."

Looking back, I can see how our featured verse played a major role in my walk with the Lord.  Passing through the darkest moments in my life were all a preparation to cultivate the soil of my heart and making it ready for the seed to be planted, that is God's Word (Read Parable of the Sower).  God told us in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  When I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, He opened my eyes and led me in the path He has chosen for me from before time.  But He just didn't magically do that!  He opened doors and windows of opportunity and required my full cooperation in order for any of them to materialize.  From where He saved me, He sent me back to school to finish college.  I had to study well to graduate with excellent grades that when it came time for me to apply for the job, I had the proper credentials, training and  accomplishments that fulfilled the requirements. I needed to go through submitting the necessary paper works and patiently waited in the midst of uncertainties.  God empowered me to face the many bumps in the road and kept the faith when things seemed hopeless.  Through God's leading, I found a wonderful job that opened my opportunity to travel,  see wonderful places, made lots of friends and even met my hubby along the way.  I sincerely believe the Lord brought me to this country for a greater purpose!  I often wondered why would Almighty God commission someone from the other side of the globe when He can easily use somebody to fulfill His purpose from around here?  I know  that one day,  He shall reveal that purpose and the many other wonderful plans He has prepared for me to do.  

As a testimony, 
I can tell you how grateful I am for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  Through His constant affirmation in my life (as noted by some of my readers/followers through their encouraging comments),  they told me how they were blessed by visiting this Blog. Glory be to God!
Truthfully, I am not skilled to write.  Hey, I don't even care much to read...LOL!  Although English was one of my favorite subjects in school,  I had limitations!  Even to this day, I consider it my second language and Tagalog (Philippine National language) my first.  My husband can attest to the many times I asked/insisted for him to do the talking as I was afraid I might say things improperly or would not be able to explain myself like I wanted to.  Yet none of that stopped the Lord from using me in sharing the hope I have in Christ through this Blog.  One of my favorite verses in the Bible is found in Philippians 4:13 and it says, "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."  I may not be perfect but God loves imperfect things so He can work His perfection through them.  Amazing!  I may not fully understand His entire plan for me but one thing is sure, He always have my best interest! And so I trust Him for my daily, future and everlasting...  I serve a wonderful, awesome and victorious God! 

My friends, I truly pray that you allow God to use you mightily in this lifetime.  God is no respecter of persons!  Acts 10:34-35 says, "Then Peter began to speak: "I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right."  No matter what your situation is right now, He can provide a clear path for you and it starts with accepting Him as your Lord and Savior and experiencing a personal relationship with Him (Born-Again, John 3:3).  Great and mighty things await as you step into the doors that He would open for you.  Though the journey may not be as smooth, He will get you through every bumps and hurdles as you keep your eyes fixed on Him.  Here are some verses that will encourage  you to place your trust solely in the One True God.

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;  in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5-6)

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers." (Romans 8:28-29)  

"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. "  (Ephesians 20:10)

For this Card, I used an image from Sassy Cheryl's Digi Stamps called "Yankee Doodle Rides" which I colored with my ProMarker/Prismacolor/Spectrum Noir markers.  The base is Kraft, cut and scored to make a 5.5 inches center step design.  The DP's are all from Recollections, the nail head gems from Imaginisce, the Hexagon shaped was cut through Cuttlebug with a die from Nestabilities and lastly, I stitched all over this project.  I love to find the image that goes so well with our free scripture Word Art this week.  Hope you enjoy it too.






This Card is entered into the following Challenges:

Creative Moments---ATG with an optional Twist
Hambo Hoedown---Happy March
Inspiration Destination---ATG
Scrapper's Delights---ATG
Whimsy Stamps---Use a Die-Cut
Crafting with an Attitude---Freestyle
DL Art---ATG
Creating in Faith, Hope and Love---Throwback Thursday )I have the main stamps for years)
Little Miss Muffet---ATG
Sassy Studio---ATG
Scrapbooker PhD---Bling
Crafty Sentiments---Bright Colors
Digi Choosday---Anything but a Square Card
Loves Rubberstamps---A Touch of Metal
Party Time Tuesday---ATG
Try It On Tuesday---Hat
Tuesday Throwdown---More than One Fold
Crafting from the Heart---ATG
Craft Your Passion---ATG
Cutie Pie---Cute
Mema's Crafts---ATG
Not Just Cards---ATG
OLLCB---Lots of Folds
Scrapbook Stamp Society---ATG
FHL Challenge---Scripture

Make sure you join us at WAW Challenge.  You can use the free Word Art in your creation and link it to our Challenge but is not a requirement.  As long as it's family-friendly, uplifting and inspirational, you can enter up to 5 times this week.  Lots of prizes to be won from our two wonderful sponsors---Classy Cards 'N Such ($15 products) and Eureka Stamps (Digi Stamps).  So excited to see what you come up with.  Anyway, meditate on the goodness of the Lord and rely on His promises.  Expect only wonderful things from Him each day.  We serve a good and faithful God---Jesus Christ!  


  1. Thank you for your words of encouragement Jo Ann. Love your card!! It appeals to my snese of humour to see the image you have chosen to go with the scripture.

  2. What a fabulous card! Great design and colors.

  3. An awesome card as usual! Love the fold you used, and your coloring is always perfect. Thanks so much for joining us at the Hambo Hoedown.

    Jeannie T.

  4. Fantastic design...fabulous coloring...wonderful encouragement! Your step card is a delight. Great papers and decorations inside and out. Thanks for letting your light shine and for sharing your creation with us at Tuesday Throwdown! Have a wonderful weekend. ~Donna K

  5. Very pretty card with a fantastic design! Thank you for joining us at Try it on Tuesday.

  6. Awesome card! Thanks for joining us at Party Time Tuesdays! :)

  7. Gorgeous card Jo Ann. Thank you for playing along with our Challenge at Crafty Sentiments Designs. We would love to see you again ... Anet GDTx

  8. Fab ! Awesome card!
    Thank you for joining TRY IT ON TUESDAY!

  9. Such a fantastic card, lovely details! Thank you so much for sharing at Craft Your Passion#253. Good Luck!

  10. Stunning make, love it. Thanks for joining us in our Anything but a square card challenge at Digi Choosday
    Anjie (Senior DT Team Leader)

  11. Love all the layers and stitching and a great take on the challenge. Thanks for playing with us at TIOT.
    Hugz, Z

  12. this is super fab and gorgeous card Jo-Ann

    Thanks for join us at ScrapbookStampSociety Challenge.

    Greetings Karin DT Coördinator

  13. Wow this card is fantastic.
    Thanks for playing with us at Craft your Passion. Hope we see you again a next challenge.
    xxx Michelle (DT)

  14. Love your card! Perfect masculine card and your colors are awesome. Thanks for joining us at Tuesday Throwdown.

    Kim - TT DT

  15. Lovely card and like the layout of your folds, thanks for sharing and joining us at Cutie Pie challenge cheers Sue N x

  16. Excellent card. Thank you so much for playing over at Loves Rubberstamps!

  17. Gorgeous step card and I love how you colored that image. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful work with us at TTCRD this week and please come and play with us again starting tomorrow. Visit me at ialwayslovetomakecards.blogspot.com

  18. Great use of bling in a masculine card. Thanks for joining us for our 'BLING' challenge #21.
    Alicia (Scrapbooker PhD DT)
    MaxiBelle Studio

  19. Lovely card thank you for joining us at Ooh La la Challenge hugs Sue DT xx

  20. Absolutely incredible!!!! Thanks so much for joining the Anything Goes challenge at Little Miss Muffet. Dawn

  21. Such a lovely layout and shape incorporating lots of dimension. Thank you for entering the Digi Choosday Make Anything But a Square card challenge

  22. Fab card, thank you for entering our challenge this time at Digi Choosday
    x~KateE~x DCDT

  23. That pretty ...! I love, riding west !!

  24. Such a lovely card, thanks for sharing it with us over at Creative Moments.

  25. You used the step card technique beautifully, and the image works perfectly with the scripture to. I believe this would make a great card for a child, because it would capture his attention with the whimsical image as it teaches him about the word of the Lord. Blessings!

  26. Love it. The verse works so well with the image! Thank you for joining us at Sassy Studio Designs and the DTBST challenge this week! HUGS

    SSD DT

  27. Wow, what details. Love your layering and coloring. Thanks for joining Mema's Crafts challenge.

  28. As always!! So very pretty!!! Thank you for joining my Throwback Thursday Challenge. Hope you come back again this week!

  29. This is crazy beautiful!! As usual another stunning job. Thank you for sharing with us at Mema's Crafts; good luck in the challenge.

  30. WOW!! That is a lot of sewing and folding and it is awesome!! Great coloring and a great take on the Hoedown Challenge!! Thanks for joining us this month!

  31. Love the cheerful colours! Brilliant colouring- I see I'm not the only one to mix pens! Thank you for joining us at TIOT!

  32. This is fab. Thanks for joining us at Not Just Cards. xx Jan

  33. This is so super cute!!! I love every little thing here. Thanks for playing with us over at Loves Rubberstamps!!!
