
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Scripture Series: Manifold Grace of God Card---Join Us for Inspirational/Anything Goes Challenge at Word Art Wednesday!

 Hello there, Crafty Peeps!  We started another Bi-Weekly Inspirational/Anything Goes Challenge at Word Art Wednesday (WAW) a week ago and as always, we feature a Scripture Word Art that is free for you to download from the WAW site.  It comes from 1 Peter 4:10 which says, "As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God."

What a wonderful verse.  I especially love the three preceding verses and the verse after to give it more context. So altogether, 1 Peter  4:7-11 says, "The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.   Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen."   I would like to share what my Life Application Bible wrote about these passages.  It says,  "We should live expectantly because Christ is coming.  Getting ready to meet Christ involves continually growing in love for God and for others.  It is important to pray regularly, and it is also important to reach out to needy people.  Your possessions, status, and power will mean nothing in God's kingdom, but you will spend eternity with other people.  Invest your time and talents where they will make an eternal difference. Our abilities should be faithfully used in serving others; none are for our own exclusive enjoyment.  Some people, well aware of their abilities, believe that they have the right to use their abilities as they please. Others feel that they have no special talents at all.  Peter addresses both groups in these verses.  Everyone has some gifts; find yours and use them. Peter mentions speaking and serving.  Paul lists these and other abilities in Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:8-11; Ephesians 4:11.  Even as your seek to discover your gifts, if you see a need in the Church, seek to meet it. You may find gifts in areas you might not have guessed.  How is God praised  when we use our abilities?  When we use them as He directs,to help others, they will see Jesus in us and praise Him for the help they have received.  Peter may have been thinking of Jesus' words, "Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven" (Matthew 5:16).  There is always something you can share with others that God placed upon your heart. None of us are worthless, each of us uniquely made with a purpose. 

Today is the start of early voting for the 2020 Presidential election here in Texas and if we think 2016 was crucial, this is by far the greatest fight of our lives as citizens of this country.  For nearly four years, the enemy of this nation (mostly from within) have shown us their nefarious plan to destroy our country.  They're not open for unity nor compromise but are bent towards getting their way at the cost of human lives and destruction of this nation.  Though they use "tolerance" as their mantra, their the most intolerant people in the face of this earth.  They'll use anything for their evil agenda and nothing is sacred to them.  They're a bunch of hateful and unhappy people who complains about everything.  They no longer discern good so they passionately promote evil.  How did they become like that?  Because they despise the God of heaven and earth and remove Him from their lives while ignoring the fact that it is God who sustains their daily existence.  They are so foolish in thinking that they can win against God and His purpose.  NEVER!  The ending of the story for every rebellious man who rejected CHRIST to their final breath is DEFEAT and TORMENT for all eternity!   Though Christ died for mankind, God honors the decisions of those who wanted to live eternally outside of His presence.  Those who love to be their own god will never be admitted in God's kingdom where Christ is the King.  However, those who acknowledge the LORDSHIP of JESUS CHRIST listens to His voice (His written Word) and aligns their thinking to what He says.  Everyday, we ask Him for direction from the littlest to the biggest decisions of our lives.  Because we are familiar with God's Word, we can differentiate between the truth and the lies.  His HOLY SPIRIT living inside of us reveals what is of God and to steer clear against the works of the enemy that promotes stealing, killing and destruction (John 10:10).  One of these days, I will cast my vote, not for the person or a party, but for God and His Word.  No man is perfect but given a choice, we must vote the closest to God's Will!  Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." This verse has been one of the foundational verses in my life and one I refer to daily when making decisions. God's Word never fails. 

For this Card, I used an image from  Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps called "Let Them Eat Cupcakes" that  I watercolored using my Stabilo 68 markers.  The base is white CS, cut and scored to make a 5.5 inches square card.  The DP's are from Recollections, the flowers I layered are from Prima, the white nail head gems from Imaginisce and the brad from Recollections.  The Pink DP was stenciled with Dylusions flower design.  I used my Corner Chomper to shape opposite corners and Momenta die for the die-cut.  Lastly, I stitched all over the card panels.





This Card is entered into the following Challenges:

Everybody-Art---Numbers (Bible verse)
(PIN)spirational---Photo Inspired
Dragonfly Dreams---Spooky and/or Cute
Craftyhazelnut's---Pastterned Paper
Creative Craft---Spooky and/or Cute
Let's Craft and Create---ATG/Paper Ribbons
Mix It Up---ATG/Distressing
Sognando---ATG + Pink
STAMPlorations---ATG with Stencil (Pink Panel has stencil design)
Make sure you join us at WAW Challenge.  You can use the free Word Art in your creation and link it to our Challenge but is not a requirement.  As long as it's family-friendly, uplifting and inspirational, you can enter ten times in two weeks.  A great prize awaits our winner from our wonderful sponsor---Studio Katia Store ($35 gift voucher).  So excited to see what you come up with.  Anyway, meditate on the goodness of the Lord and share the hope you have to someone whom God placed in your path/heart before it's too late.  And don't forget---VOTE FOR GODLY VALUES!

Ready to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Find out how on the sidebar...


  1. JoAnn, I can smell them baking from here.... Ooooohs, that's the cookies baking in my oven ;-) Love the vibrant colors and the layers for depth. The stitching is the perfect homemade touch. Thank you for sharing your blessed creation with us at Jan's Digi Blog Challenge. HAPPY CRAFTING!
    (Owner & Illustrator of Jan's Digi Stamp Shop)

  2. Jo Ann, this is lovely! What an adorable little gal. Thanks so much for playing along and supporting our Anything Goes challenge at Pammie's Inky Pinkies this week. Good luck in the draw.
    NanaConnie DT

  3. What a beautifully bright and cheery creation, it's lovely to see you at We Love Chocolate Baroque, thanks so much for joining us.

    B x

  4. Cute card. Awesome colors and image. Thanks for sharing over at Crafty Sentiments.

  5. This is so cool and colourful. Love your card 😍
    Good luck with the contest. - Mel Sanz JDS

  6. Love your bright and cheerful card and a great image too. Not forgetting of course the mention of cake! Thanks for joining our challenge this month at Let's Craft and Create and happy crafting. Michelle DT x

  7. Such a beautfiul card, thanks for joining us at the Creative Craft Cottage Challenge.
    Hugs Ilonka DT

  8. Beautiful card. Thank you for joining us at Creative Craft Cottage challenge good luck. Have a nice day
    Anneke D

  9. What an endearing project. Love the box! Great coloring.Thank-you for joining us at the Crafts Galore

  10. Lovely project Jo Ann. Thank you for sharing with us over at Morgan's Artworld. We hope to see you again.
    ~ Wendy DT Member for https://morgansartworld.blogspot.com/

  11. Beautiful creation! Thank you for sharing with us over at Morgan's Art World. We hope to see you again.
    ~ Sherry DT/Admin/Coordinator xx

  12. Fantastic card.Love your design and bright color combo.Thank you for joining us at DIGI CHOOSDAY CHALLENGE this week ,hope to see you again
    Željka DT xx

  13. I love your project, it is gorgeous and bright and so beautiful. Nice work. Thank you for sharing with us over at Morgan's Artworld. We hope to see you again.
    ~ Annette DT

  14. Lovely and pretty card!
    Thank you for sharing at We Love Chocolate Baroque;-))m

  15. Beautiful image and colors and especially the scent of the baked cupcakes!! Oh I also love love love your stitching!!! Stunning creation Jo Ann. Thanks so much for playing along with us at STAMPLorations October Stencil Challenge. Hope to see you again next challenge. Have a wonderful day :)
    Hugs and smiles,
    ...STAMPlorations {Stencil Design Team}...
    ...Qinaahana Arts & Crafts {My Personal Blog}...
    ...My Instagram...

  16. Thank you for sharing in our challenge at "https://classicdesignchallenge.blogspot.com/"we really appreciate you joining in.
    greetings DTmember Monique great card

  17. Such a beautfiul card, thanks for joining us at the Creative Craft Cottage Challenge.
    Hugs Ilonka DT

  18. Wonderful card - I like the color and the motiv. Thanks for joining us at EAC.

  19. Hello again, Jo Ann, from me in Baytown! Isn't the fall weather amazing? Thanks for the Word, I feel same way about so much. That's a gorgeous card, nicely colored and designed. Have a blessed week! XOX

  20. Thanks so much for sharing this with us at Love to Craft Challenge #51 and we hope you play with us again! XXO, Aimeslee DT

  21. Wonderful work. Thank you for joying us over on the Angie's Digital Stamps Blog

  22. This is amazing hun, I love the bright colours you have use

    Thank you for sharing with us at 'Not Just Cards' this month
    Stay safe
    Hugs Shell xx

  23. Such a fun image! Love the bright colours too. Thank you for joining in the LeAnn's World 101 Challenge this time. Hope to see you again!

    Hugs, Vannessa, DT for LeAnn's World 101.

    P.S. Apologies for the late comment - life has been a bit hectic recently!
