I thank the LORD JESUS for each day that is given me to create wonderful projects...As always, I give Him all the glory.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Scripture Series: Emmanuel Center Step Card and CAS Everday Occasion Tags---Join our Last Challenge for 2020 with Blog Hop Prizes at Word Art Wednesday! Don't Miss It!

Hi there, Crafty peeps!  First of all,  A BLESSED CHRISTMAS and a GLORIOUS NEW YEAR to everyone.   It's time for another Inspirational/Anything Goes Challenge at Word Art Wednesday (WAW) which will go on for a whole month.  You can find the complete details below.  Anyway, today's Scripture Word Art comes from Matthew 1:23 which says, "Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us."  I highlighted this verse in my card below to inspire you.  Download this free Scripture Word Art at WAW, use it for your projects (not mandatory) and don't forget to link  them to our Challenge.

Firstly, I would like to share what my Life Application Bible wrote about our highlighted passage.  It says, " The angel declared to Joseph that Mary's child was conceived by the Holy Spirit and would be a Son.  This reveals an important truth about Jesus---he is both God and human. The infinite, unlimited God took on the limitations of humanity so He could live and die for the salvation of all who would believe in Him.  Jesus means "the Lord saves."  Jesus came to earth to save us because we can't save ourselves from Sin and its consequences.  No matter how good we are, we can't eliminate the Sinful Nature present in all of us. Only Jesus can do that.  Jesus didn't come to help people save themselves; He came to be their Savior from the power and penalty of Sin.  Thank Christ for His death on the cross for your sin and then ask Him to take control of your life.  Your new life begins at that moment.  Jesus would fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah, for He would be "Emmanuel" ("God with us," see Isaiah 7:14).  Jesus was God in the flesh; thus God was literally among us, "with us." Through the Holy Spirit, Christ is present today in the life of every believer.  Perhaps not even Isaiah understood how far- reaching the meaning of Emmanuel would be."

As a Born-again believer (John 3:3), the birth of Jesus Christ is one of the most important time in human history for He is the promised Messiah---the Only One who can save humanity from the evil that befall us since the Fall of Man (Adam).  Without Him physically taking the form of Man, we are doomed as not one of us is without Sin!  The animal sacrifices of old cannot take away nor wash our sins, it only acts as a temporary covering for people to approach God.  From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible talked about Jesus Christ.  He was foreshadowed and prophesied in the Old Testament.  Then He came and walked the earth in the pages of the New Testament.  He did what He had to do for the salvation of mankind that whosoever places their faith in Him will forever live in His presence, escaping the damnation that would befall the unrepentant, proud and rebellious people who denied and rejected Christ in their lifetime.  His death, burial and resurrection signifies the depth of the Father's love towards mankind, not wanting anyone to perish in a place where nothing good exist and pain and torture is without end. 

So, this Christmas time, it's not really about the decorations, the gifts, the family get-together or the new clothing.   It's not about the Santa, elves, reindeer or even the random acts of kindness.   It's about a heart that is fully in love with the Savior that acknowledges Him above everything---that hears and obeys His voice.  It's a heart that beats love for the perishing souls (like our Father in heaven) and is always ready to tell people of the reason for our hope.  God wants us to reach out to the lost sheep of this world.  He want us to represent Him as we  speak boldly of His Truth and stand bravely in the midst of the storm at whatever cost.  The Lord is with us in all our battles and we need to trust His love and covering even in the presence of utter darkness and hopelessness.  Our time on earth is pretty short so let's do the work He assigned us to do before time runs out.   Don't forget to pray for AMERICA and God's mighty and supernatural intervention in the affairs of our land. DECREE AND DECLARE GOD'S WORD TO OUR NATION!

For this Card I used an image from Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps that I watercolored using my Stabilo 68 markers.  The base is white CS, cut and score to make a 5.5 inches center step design.  The DP's are from Paper Studio, the flower is from Prima and the brads are from Recollections.  I used a couple of die-cuts here...First one is the lacy frame using Nestabailities and the leaves using Sizzix.  I also added some glitters from Stickles (Crystal) and ran it through my sewing machine for some regular and fancy stitching.  




For this tags, I used a cream CS and stamped images from my collection of Hampton Art Footlong Stamps which I had for ages...I stumbled upon them when I was looking for something and walah, there they were begging me to use them on a project.  I was glad I did.  They're the perfect images for my Stamp Simply Ribbon Store Sentiment Set called "Farmhouse All Occasional Greetings" which happens to be one of our sponsors for this month-long Challenge/Blog Hop.  It was pretty much stamping with several inks  and I was done.  Honestly, the thing that took much of my time in this project was looking for the coordinating ribbons as it's buried in my stash.  Other than that, these were fun to make.



Okay everyone, here's the ORDER OF THE BLOG HOP:

You can win lots and lots of prizes by joining the Blog Hop where each of the WAW DT's will pick a winner from our personal Blogs that will win a prize from Emma's Paperie (picture shown below). And all you need to do is to leave each DT a comment.  Now just for my Blog, aside from the comment, I also want to know how the Word Art Wednesday Blog helped you  grow in your crafting or in your spiritual life?  (Just honest, straight forward answers) At the end of the Challenge I will have my 15 year old son helped me pick a winner.  Sadly, we can only accept and ship to United States participants at this time.  Be sure to finish the Blog Hop for more chances to win.   This is the prize I'm giving away:

Time to go, everyone!  Please make sure to visit us at WAW and link up the projects you make out of our free Word Art although not mandatory.  You can link up any inspiring, uplifting, family-friendly projects, up to 5 each week.  Our wonderful sponsors this week are Stamp Simply Clear Stamps (Stamps and/or Die cuts) and Emma's Paperie.  So, head over to WAW and show us your wonderful projects.  Enjoy your week.  Always remember that God loves you and wants you to share the meaning of His birth to everyone who chooses to listen. 

Ready to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Find out how on the sidebar...

Friday, December 11, 2020

CAS Series: Traditional Christmas Card Set---Join our End of the Year Challenge at 613 Avenue Create with Anything Goes!

Hi there, everyone!  We have a brand new Challenge happening this entire month at 613 Avenue Create!  As always, it's Anything Goes with optional theme of  "Vintage."  I want to make sure to wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS in advance.  This is my favorite time of the year because the whole world acknowledges the birth of God's One and Only Son, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.

It's hard to think that we're already on the last month of the year and there are so many things that happened the whole year that we'd rather not be reminded of.  So many deaths surrounding the controversial pandemic beginning of the year, calamities, government betrayal perpetrated by our  own citizens (enemies from within). They formed  radical groups that seek to destroy our values, promote cancel culture and division in a never seen before level of extremism aided by the mainstream media that no longer report the truth. Those that hold to Godly principles and values who love God, life and  country are being silenced by the elite who happened to hold power and ownership of many businesses and resources in every spheres of our society.  They no longer hide their Satanic agenda which is to turn this country into a globalists, communist/socialists society where Antichrist and his elite minions can decide the fate of many. 

The question is, why are these radical foul and loud mouths "so-called citizens" want to inflict this despicable harm to America?  Do they hate their children so much that they want to deprive them of the freedom they themselves enjoy when their families arrived here to find greener pasture?  To this day, there are many people around the world who would like the privilege to live in this country.  I haven't seen anyone arrested for trying to leave America to relocate somewhere unless they are criminals.  American citizens enjoy our God-given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  The government is established by the people and for the people.  It's not perfect but ideal for those who love and fear God.  But you see, Satan's minions don't like that.  Anything or anyone that exalts God is hated and attacked.  The devil plants his people in the different spheres of our society and invoke the powers of darkness (give them fame, riches and influence) to disguise themselves as light-bearers to deceive the weak in spirit and the gullible.  And many of them are hiding under their so-called religious affiliation (religion).   Their goal is to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10)!  Can you see these in our society today? Be very careful whom you choose to listen to for motivation, encouragement and direction---Spiritual or Secular teachers.  God's Word said in 2 Peter 2:1-3, "But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them--bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping."  These leaders (influencers) are after power, fame and riches in this world.  They don't care for the next generation nor do they care where their souls would go for eternity when it comes time.  In their foolishness, they traded/are trading eternal life in Christ with eternal torment with Satan just to satisfy their momentary desires. Let us hold on to the examples that Jesus Christ showed us in His earthly ministry.  Always compare what you hear to God's Word.  Reject everything that does not align with God's Truth.   Never, ever regard anything above God in your life!  Live to serve and not to be served.  Strive for forgiveness and peace but bold and steadfast in what God says is true.  Never live by fear knowing that God is able and is always on our side.  Believe that what seem to be impossible to us are all possible in God through Jesus Christ.  

I urge you brethren to never ever lose hope especially in our battle against the demonic entities that seek to steal the leadership of this country from God's chosen leader---President Donald Trump.  The prophets have spoken clearly and no weapon of the enemy can thwart the plan of God in this nation for His people.  Just like when the Israelites thought they had no way out from the hands of the Egyptians who were bent on killing them, God came in His perfect, mighty and supernatural way by parting the Red Sea to rescue His people and accomplish His plan.  Remember this:  When the road is engulfed with utter darkness, God's light shines the brightest!  And everyone whose faith is in Jesus Christ alone (Born-again, John 3:3) are God's light to this world.  Oh I tell you with excitement, God's justice is here and everyone who lives in darkness and rebellion will be exposed.  Rejoice people of God, rejoice!

For this Card, I used stamps from four sets of Stampendous Stamps that I had for several years now.  I barely used them and so glad to highlight these beautiful images on this project. The sentiments are from Momenta Clear stamps.   I stamped them using Memento Inks. Since the theme of our Challenge is Vintage, I decided that there's nothing more vintage than the true meaning and reason for this season---the birth of Jesus Christ! 







This is it for now, guys.  Make sure to join us at our neighborhood---613 Avenue Create---for an Anything Goes Challenge with optional theme, "Vintage."  If you want to be challenged more, take on our Optional Twist.  But there's really no reason for you to miss it. Can't wait to see what you create. The Word of God is not just an ordinary book.  Read it and you will find wisdom that even the geniuses of the world will never understand.

Ready to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Find out how on the sidebar...

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Scripture Series: Magnify Him with Thanksgiving Card---There's Still Time to Join our Inspirational/Anything Goes Challenge at Word Art Wednesday!

 Hi there, friends!  It's time for another bi-weekly Challenge at Word Art Wednesday (WAW)This time, we are using a Scripture Word Art that comes from Psalm 69:30 which tells us, "I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving."

We just celebrated Thanksgiving Day here in the United States.  In spite of everything we were asked to put up with this year by our local officials and the non-stop noise of the Fake News Media and demonic agenda of our enemies from within to place us in the state of panic, fear and government dependence to ultimately destroy and overtake this nation, many of us still understands the sovereign rule of Almighty God who has control over-all.  For if it's up to the devil, we have long been gone and every soul doomed with him.  But the God Who created everything and knows the beginning from end spoiled his plan when He sent His One and Only Son---JESUS CHRIST to this world and redeemed all of mankind.  That whosoever receives His finished work at the Cross through repentance from his old ways and accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior no longer live in bondage with the enemy. Instead he lives in the freedom that his faith in Jesus Christ has provided for him. So yes, no matter what is happening in this world that is directly or indirectly affecting us, we have a lot to thank God for---the blessings of protection, provision and ultimately salvation that He provided us.  Our faith (believe, trust, adherence, dependence) in the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word makes a lot of difference on how we walk and live each day.

Sadly, many people in this world believe that it's okay to believe in anything just as long as it would not physically hurt them.  Before I came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ (Born-again, John 3:3), I was  one of them.  If things sounds good or believable and shared by family and friends, it's fine. I live by the saying, "There's  no harm in believing." But after I gave my life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, I now totally disagree.  For what you choose to agree and give your faith into, you're giving it consent to move and influence your life.  One example of that is if somebody tells you you're going to die if you don't hide in your house, wear a mask and avoid seeing your friends and family to protect yourself.  That you have to refrain from going to Church and open your mouth to sing praises to the Lord for you may spread or catch the virus.  But you can go shopping for food, alcohol or go into Casinos and the crown virus will leave you be as long as you don't go near other people.  If you  put your thinking brains on, something is not adding up. Another example is getting into a restaurant with a mask and once you are seated, you may remove the mask as the virus is going to grant you privacy while eating since the tables and chairs are disinfected.  You don't have to be a rocket scientist to conclude that these are pretty ridiculous.  You see, one thing is true since the Fall of Man--- everyone will leave this earthly suit and God, Our Creator, is the Only One who knows the exact day and time for each man.  I'm not saying that the threat is not real but allowing something to totally control your life and rob you of your freedom is also an evidence of your lack of faith in God who created you with a purpose.  God is able to heal, protect and provide for ALL your needs. You can find all of God's promises in His Word. He told us never to fear (fear not) 365 times throughout His Word.  Come to think of it, good for everyday of the year.  It's not true that there's no harm done when you simply believe.  Doctrines, teachings, writings and even customs and traditions contrary to the Word of God can influence your eternal destination---forever in God's presence or eternal damnation with Satan.  It's extremely important to saturate ourselves with the Word of God where the promises of God dwells.  It has the power to heal and deliver us from all the wiles of the enemy.  Release God's Word in faith and believe it shall come to pass even when all we see in the natural is the opposite.  Our faith is not in what we feel, see or think.  It is anchored in the fulfillment of God's promises in His Word.  As it is written in Romans 3:4, "Let GOD be TRUE and every man a liar." 

For this Card, I used an image from Clearsnap that I stamped with a Ranger Sepia Ink  and layered in this card.  The sun die-cut is from Heidi Grace and the train border punch is from Martha Stewart.  The sentiment inside the card is a border stamp from Stampabilities.  I finished this card with some stitching for added dimension.






This Card is entered into the following Challenges:

Crafty Catz---ATG/Baby It's Cold Outside 
Just Add Ink---"Just Add "S" (Sun, Stamp, Scripture, Sentiment)
Aud Sentiments---ATG with Sentiments
Krafty Chicks---Occasions (Thanksgiving)
Lavinia---ATG (Using Rubber of Clear Stamps)
Fab n Funky---Thank You/Thanksgiving
Mod Squad---Thanksgiving
Paper Funday---ATG/Give Thanks/Thankful/Grateful
Path of Positivity---Gratitude
Paper Girls---Thankful/Grateful
Make sure you join us at WAW Challenge.  You can use the free Word Art in your creation and link it to our Challenge but is not a requirement.  As long as it's family-friendly, uplifting and inspirational, you can submit up to 5 entries per week.  Our wonderful sponsor for this week Sugar Pea Designs ($25 GC). So excited to see what you come up with.  Anyway, cheer up and let the joy of the Lord overtake you today.  He truly loves and cares for you. 

Ready to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Find out how on the sidebar...

Friday, November 13, 2020

Scripture Series: Thy Holy Habitation Card---You Still Have time to Join Our Inspirational Challenge at Word Art Wednesday!

Hi there, Crafty friends! We are on our second week of our Challenge happening at Word Art Wednesday (WAW). As always, we feature a Scripture Word Art that you can download for free at the WAW site. Our highlighted verse today comes from Exodus 15:13 which says, "Thou in thy mercy hast led forth the people which thou hast redeemed: thou hast guided them in thy strength unto thy holy habitation."

Wow folks!  If we can only fathom the depth of God's love and mercy for us (His people), we will be free of all the anxiety we carry each day.  The highlighted passage above was a part of the song Moses and the Israelites sang after the Lord delivered them from the hands of the Egyptians.  Many of us learned of the supernatural way God saved His people when He parted the Red Sea and made a way (dry ground) for them to get to the other side while God's enemies drowned. I was blessed by the notes I saw in my Life Application Bible as I read the previous chapter (Exodus 14) that I have to share it with you.  I believe that God is going to show His supernatural (undeniable) power to put an end to the demonic ordeal we are facing in America today.  It says, "Trapped against the sea, the Israelites faced the Egyptian army sweeping in for the kill. The Israelites thought they were doomed. After watching God's powerful hand deliver them from Egypt, their only response was fear, whining and despair.  Where was their trust in God?   Israel had to learn from repeated experience that God was able to provide for them.  God has preserved these examples in the Bible so that we can learn to trust Him the first time.  By focusing on God's faithfulness in the past, we can face crises with confidence rather than with fear and complaining.  Exodus 14:11-12 records the first instance of grumbling and complaining by the Israelites.  Grumbling would become a major problem for the people in this journey.  Their lack of faith in God is startling.  Yet how often do we find ourselves doing the same thing---complaining over inconveniences or discomforts? The Israelites were about to learn some tough lessons.  Had they trusted God, they would have been spared much grief.  The people were hostile and despairing, but Moses encouraged them to watch the wonderful way God would rescue them.  Moses had a positive attitude!  When it looked as if they were trapped, Moses called upon God to intervene.  We may not be chased by an army, but we may still feel trapped. Instead of giving in to despair, we should adopt Moses' attitude to "stand firm and...see the deliverance the Lord will bring."  The Lord told Moses to stop praying and get moving!  Prayer must have a vital place in our lives, but there is also a place for action.  Sometimes, we know what to do, but we pray for more guidance as an excuse to postpone doing it.  If we know what we should do, then it is time to get moving.  There was no apparent way of escape, but the Lord opened up a dry path through the sea.  Sometimes we find ourselves caught in a problem and see no way out.  Don't panic; God can open up a way." 

Fellow believers, need I say more?  My question is, which kind of people do you identify with in our fight against good and evil (life and death) here in America?  We are facing the army of demonic globalists that seeks to annihilate our God-given rights and freedom and bathe our country with the blood of the innocent among others. They are taunting us with lies and deceit (fake data) using the Mainstream Media and Big Tech companies to  convince us that we're hopeless and defeated. And several of us have listened to their lies.  Did we forget about God and His goodness demonstrated to us four years ago when He miraculously saved us from the hand of the likes of Jezebel?  Without God's intervention, our country would have been four years down into captivity.  Though God's enemy attempted countless times to undo what God did in our midst the last four years, all of them failed miserably. But the enemy is persistent.  Right this moment, Satan and his minions assembled everything/everyone he got to wage war against God's people here in America through criminal acts of fraud in a huge scale in an attempt to topple God's chosen leader and pursue the agenda of death they failed to implement four years ago.  With all the great things God has done for us , are we going to grumble and complain too?  Or are we going to be like Moses who called unto God (prayer), maintained a positive and trusting attitude, and obedient when God called him to action?  America may be surrounded and God will have to part the Red Sea of our day to make a way for us.  As for me,  too many times I've seen the power of God in my life through the saving grace of Jesus Christ and His faithfulness to His Word that I couldn't justify unbelief.  So let all the Moses' of this generation rise up and take our place.  Stand firm and see the glory of God displayed once again for all the world to see. VICTORY IS OURS IN JESUS CHRIST!

For this Card, I used an image from Digital Two that I colored using my Prismacolor markers.  The base is a pre-cut A7 Kraft that comes with an envelope.  I used my own cloud stencils and Distress Ink (Broken China) to add the clouds and the brads are from Recollections.  Lastly, I added some fancy stitching for added dimension.




This Card is entered into the following Challenges:  

Academy Scrap Art---Mood Board
DL Art---ATG
Let's Craft and Create---ATG/Fave Sketch
MIU---ATG/Make Own Background
Sognando---ATG and Fave Color (Green)
Crafting Challenge---Add a Sentiment
Crafty Catz---ATG/Outside Pursuits

Make sure you join us at WAW Challenge.  You can use the free Word Art in your creation and link it to our Challenge but is not a requirement.  As long as it's family-friendly, uplifting and inspirational, you can submit up to 5 entries per week.  Our wonderful sponsor for this week is  Emma's Paperie (Prize package worth $50).  So excited to see what you come up with.  Anyway, cheer up and let the joy of the Lord overtake you today.  If you are trusting in Jesus, fear can't move you.
Ready to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Find out how on the sidebar...

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Encouragement Series: Sunshine Elephant Card---There's Still Plenty of Time to Join our 613 Avenue Monthly Challenge...

Hello everyone...I'm here to feature my card for our 613 Avenue Create Anything Goes, November Challenge.  I took on the optional twist which is "Cute Critters" with this Safari card design.  It seems like I hardly use animals in my creation.  It's not intentional.  As a matter of fact, I have quite a collection of animal stamps and I really need to use them for future projects given some time. 

Anyway, I've been away from the Blogging world for several weeks now.  As always, I've been so busy and there's always a lot of things to do than what I have time for.  Some of you are aware that I also love to Crochet and I'm trying my hand on some Knitting as well.  So, there's always a lot of crafting to do when I'm not around here.  But of course, serving the Lord and having time for my family comes first.

Nowadays, there's so many things happening in the world that are truly alarming.  Where evil is obviously saturating the news and fear and chaos are promoted.  Evil things are right before our eyes and yet many seem to turn a blind eye while many others are even supporting and promoting them.  It behooves me why many no longer care nor appreciate the freedom and security of this country and have allowed the lawless and abusive people to rule over them who are clearly robbing the people of their protected rights, and empowering the lawless to kill, steal and destroy this country. To these people, nothing is sacred.  I remember what I read in the Bible back when I was still a new believer in Christ.  I couldn't fathom then what God was saying about "how people could call evil good and good evil" (Isaiah 5:20).  Because many that time still understands the clear line between the two with the exception of those who are literally crazy or deranged.  Yet from then and fast forward to this time,  God's Word is true.  Because many have rejected God, Who is the only source of true wisdom and understanding, they have literally lost their minds. Without Christ, every man's default setting is "God's enemy."  And people who are clinging on religion instead of having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior are not exempted from the deception of Satan. 2 Timothy 3:1-9 says, "But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth. Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men corrupted in mind and disqualified regarding the faith. But they will not get very far, for their folly will be plain to all, as was that of those two men."

Now more than ever, we have to trust God and refuse to be persuaded by the lies of the enemy.  Unlike the old days, we have advance technology now to affect millions (if not billions) of people.  Majority (if not all) of the big Social Media sites have aligned themselves with the demonic agenda of Satan and are pressing on us every minute of everyday.  God's Word is crucial  in this fight.  Every believer shouldn't slack in studying and sharing God's Word.  The Bible told us how Satan tried to entice Jesus (after He fasted forty days and forty nights) in the wilderness by twisting the Word of God to get Jesus to worship him.  But Jesus had the truth and power of God's Word to silence the enemy's attempt of deception.  Needless to say, we have to meditate on the Scriptures day and night to stand against the cloud of deception that is hovering over our country and the world today.  We have to fight with the full armor that God found in Ephesians 6:10-18.  Among these weapons is the  "Sword of the Spirit" which is the Word of God.  It is not just a defensive weapon but more than anything, offensive!  Hebrews 4:12 tells us, "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account."  In conclusion, don't buy into everything you see and hear in the natural but inquire from the Word of God and test the spirit it carries so as to see clearly in this blinding world. For the battle is not just physical but also spiritual. 

For this Card, I used these cute elephant clear stamps and colored it using my ProMarker markers.  The base is a pre-cut A7 Kraft that comes with an envelope from Paper Studio.   The DP came from DCWV, the film strip die cut from Sizzix and the leaves punched with Fiskars.  I also layered some flowers from Prima and Recollections, some glitters from Stickles (Crystal) and the brad from Recollections.  The sentiments were from Stampendous and Printworks. Lastly, I stitched all over this card. 




This Card is entered into the following Challenges:

 2 Crafty Critter---ATG with Critter
Crafty Animals---ATG with Animals
Craftyhazelnut's---ATG with Patterned Paper
Let's Craft and Create---ATG/Fave Sketch
MIU---ATG/Make Own Background
Scribbles Designs---Feature a Creature
Sognando---ATG and Fave Color (Green)
Crafting Challenge---Add a Sentiment
Lavinia---ATG (Rubber or Clear stamps only)

This is it for now, guys.  Make sure to join us at our neighborhood---613 Avenue Create---for an Anything Goes Challenge with optional theme, "Cute Critters."  If you want to be challenged more, take on our Optional Twist.  But there's really no reason for you to miss it. Can't wait to see what you create.  Anyway, the works of the enemy is apparent in our day and time.  We are to study and arm ourselves with the Truth in order to discern the works of Satan and act with wisdom and power.

Ready to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Find out how on the sidebar...

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Scripture Series: Manifold Grace of God Card---Join Us for Inspirational/Anything Goes Challenge at Word Art Wednesday!

 Hello there, Crafty Peeps!  We started another Bi-Weekly Inspirational/Anything Goes Challenge at Word Art Wednesday (WAW) a week ago and as always, we feature a Scripture Word Art that is free for you to download from the WAW site.  It comes from 1 Peter 4:10 which says, "As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God."

What a wonderful verse.  I especially love the three preceding verses and the verse after to give it more context. So altogether, 1 Peter  4:7-11 says, "The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.   Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen."   I would like to share what my Life Application Bible wrote about these passages.  It says,  "We should live expectantly because Christ is coming.  Getting ready to meet Christ involves continually growing in love for God and for others.  It is important to pray regularly, and it is also important to reach out to needy people.  Your possessions, status, and power will mean nothing in God's kingdom, but you will spend eternity with other people.  Invest your time and talents where they will make an eternal difference. Our abilities should be faithfully used in serving others; none are for our own exclusive enjoyment.  Some people, well aware of their abilities, believe that they have the right to use their abilities as they please. Others feel that they have no special talents at all.  Peter addresses both groups in these verses.  Everyone has some gifts; find yours and use them. Peter mentions speaking and serving.  Paul lists these and other abilities in Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:8-11; Ephesians 4:11.  Even as your seek to discover your gifts, if you see a need in the Church, seek to meet it. You may find gifts in areas you might not have guessed.  How is God praised  when we use our abilities?  When we use them as He directs,to help others, they will see Jesus in us and praise Him for the help they have received.  Peter may have been thinking of Jesus' words, "Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven" (Matthew 5:16).  There is always something you can share with others that God placed upon your heart. None of us are worthless, each of us uniquely made with a purpose. 

Today is the start of early voting for the 2020 Presidential election here in Texas and if we think 2016 was crucial, this is by far the greatest fight of our lives as citizens of this country.  For nearly four years, the enemy of this nation (mostly from within) have shown us their nefarious plan to destroy our country.  They're not open for unity nor compromise but are bent towards getting their way at the cost of human lives and destruction of this nation.  Though they use "tolerance" as their mantra, their the most intolerant people in the face of this earth.  They'll use anything for their evil agenda and nothing is sacred to them.  They're a bunch of hateful and unhappy people who complains about everything.  They no longer discern good so they passionately promote evil.  How did they become like that?  Because they despise the God of heaven and earth and remove Him from their lives while ignoring the fact that it is God who sustains their daily existence.  They are so foolish in thinking that they can win against God and His purpose.  NEVER!  The ending of the story for every rebellious man who rejected CHRIST to their final breath is DEFEAT and TORMENT for all eternity!   Though Christ died for mankind, God honors the decisions of those who wanted to live eternally outside of His presence.  Those who love to be their own god will never be admitted in God's kingdom where Christ is the King.  However, those who acknowledge the LORDSHIP of JESUS CHRIST listens to His voice (His written Word) and aligns their thinking to what He says.  Everyday, we ask Him for direction from the littlest to the biggest decisions of our lives.  Because we are familiar with God's Word, we can differentiate between the truth and the lies.  His HOLY SPIRIT living inside of us reveals what is of God and to steer clear against the works of the enemy that promotes stealing, killing and destruction (John 10:10).  One of these days, I will cast my vote, not for the person or a party, but for God and His Word.  No man is perfect but given a choice, we must vote the closest to God's Will!  Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." This verse has been one of the foundational verses in my life and one I refer to daily when making decisions. God's Word never fails. 

For this Card, I used an image from  Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps called "Let Them Eat Cupcakes" that  I watercolored using my Stabilo 68 markers.  The base is white CS, cut and scored to make a 5.5 inches square card.  The DP's are from Recollections, the flowers I layered are from Prima, the white nail head gems from Imaginisce and the brad from Recollections.  The Pink DP was stenciled with Dylusions flower design.  I used my Corner Chomper to shape opposite corners and Momenta die for the die-cut.  Lastly, I stitched all over the card panels.





This Card is entered into the following Challenges:

Everybody-Art---Numbers (Bible verse)
(PIN)spirational---Photo Inspired
Dragonfly Dreams---Spooky and/or Cute
Craftyhazelnut's---Pastterned Paper
Creative Craft---Spooky and/or Cute
Let's Craft and Create---ATG/Paper Ribbons
Mix It Up---ATG/Distressing
Sognando---ATG + Pink
STAMPlorations---ATG with Stencil (Pink Panel has stencil design)
Make sure you join us at WAW Challenge.  You can use the free Word Art in your creation and link it to our Challenge but is not a requirement.  As long as it's family-friendly, uplifting and inspirational, you can enter ten times in two weeks.  A great prize awaits our winner from our wonderful sponsor---Studio Katia Store ($35 gift voucher).  So excited to see what you come up with.  Anyway, meditate on the goodness of the Lord and share the hope you have to someone whom God placed in your path/heart before it's too late.  And don't forget---VOTE FOR GODLY VALUES!

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Saturday, September 12, 2020

Friendship Series: Brewed to Perfection Card---Join our Bi-Weekly Challenge Inspirational/Anything Goes Challenge at Word Art Wednesday...

 Hi everybody!  So sorry for the delay in posting this project I made for our Challenge at Word Art Wednesday (WAW).  I don't have a card made that features our Scripture Word Art as I've decided to use the sponsor sentiments for my creation.  But if you visit the WAW site, you'll find several inspiration from my fellow DT's that featured it on their cards.  You can also download it there and use it in your projects.  Our Scripture Word Art comes from Mark 11:24 which tells us, "Therefore I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them".

Trust is something crucially important in any kind of relationship we pursue.  We often give reservations in trusting people depending on how well we know them.  I was brought up believing that trust can't be demanded but is earned.  And for me to put my life on the line for somebody (under life and death circumstances) without reservation, I would have to totally trust that person.  But the truth is, human beings are flawed and not one of us can honestly  say we didn't let anybody down.  We make promises we cannot fulfill and overtime, we end up hurting even the very ones we love the most.  That is why we cannot put our utmost trust to any human being.  The Only One whose faithful and true to all His promises is Almighty God, personified and embodied to us by the God-Man, Jesus Christ!  In John 14:8-14, "Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.”Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work. Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves. Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it."

God spoke and it came to pass.  His Word is powerful, unchanging and eternal.  John 1:1-5 says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." In the Old Testament (after the Fall of Man), God Almighty have spoken His Word through His chosen people and the prophets.  He gave His Word and guided His people to His holy and just ways. By careful study, we can conclude that His promises point to the time when His Word comes to life (in the flesh) and will be witnessed by many.  Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is the Word of God.  He was with God from the very beginning.  He became flesh to fulfill God's Word of redemption.  Jesus is the Word of God fulfilled.  Anyone who puts their faith (trust, believe, dependence) upon Him has the promises of the Father written in the tablets of their hearts and they are reliable and unchanging.  Numbers 23:19 clearly states, "God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?  I have received a command to bless; he has blessed, and I cannot change it."  Yes, the Holy Spirit dwells inside of us to attest that Jesus Christ, the very Word of God is alive in us.  When we open our Bibles and study and meditate on God's promises, we are feeding our spirit with the promises of God so that when we pray and ask God for anything in accordance to His will and purpose, He comes through for us and we are sure He will deliver at His perfect time. When we confess and declare His Word, We are unleashing His power and authority over anything that seeks to destroy us. Hence, we can thank Him and express our gratitude over things we asked and prayed for even before they physically manifest.  When we know His Word, we know what to pray as God always answers to His Word.  It's not our emotions, the length or intensity of our prayer that God answers to.  He responds to His Word!

For this Card, I used an image from Stamping Bella called "Uptown Girls Clarissa and Camille with a Cafe" that I watercolored using my Stabilo 68 markers.  The base is a white CS, cut and scored to make a 5.5 inches square card.  I also added some white nail head gems from Imaginisce and some fancy and regular stitching. The sentiments are all from Stamp Simply Clear Stamps, "A Cup of Java" that sponsors this bi-weekly Challenge.  





This Card is entered into the following Challenges:

Crafty Catz---ATG/Add Gems and/or Glitter
Aud Sentiments---ATG with Sentiment
Creative Moments---ATG/Funny
Double D---Colorful
Paper Funday---ATG/Autumn
Colouring in Scrapland---ATG/Home Decor
Simon Says---Use Your Fave Stamp
Artistic Stamper---A Stitch in Time
Lets Craft and Create---ATG/Bestfriends

Make sure you join us at WAW Challenge.  You can use the free Word Art in your creation and link it to our Challenge but is not a requirement.  As long as it's family-friendly, uplifting and inspirational, you can enter several times in two weeks.  A great prize awaits our winner from our wonderful sponsor---Stamp Simply Clear Stamps (Stamps and/or Die-cuts).  So excited to see what you come up with.  Anyway, meditate on the goodness of the Lord and rely on His promises.  Expect only wonderful things from Him each day.  His presence in us enables us to do the impossible.

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